I have struggled with allergies most of my life. Sinus infections were a common illness growing up. I tried everything under the sun to relieve my sneezing, coughing, post nasal drip, rhinitis, sinus infection issues. It was finally to the point where it was causing a chronic cough and sinus infections that led to asthma and bronchitis. I was sick at least three times a year, for months at a time. The last straw was when I had fluid on my lungs that I could not get rid of. I went to my primary care doctor and had to take Prednezone to get rid of the fluid. At that moment, I vowed to find something that would control the allergies, so that I would never have to take steroids again.
My journey was frustrating and disappointing at times. I tried herbs, supplements and finally found a combination of homeopathic remedies and whole food nutrition that helped control all of the symptoms I was suffering from. After researching the causes and the body's responses to allergens, I came up with a combination that has rid me of sneezing, coughing, sinus infections, and bronchitis. I am completely symptom free! I occasionally have to take both the homeopathics and the whole food supplements to keep the symptoms in check, but it's not as severe or as often as it used to be. I have not had a sinus infection for over a year now, and have found that my sense of smell is better. My hearing has also improved since I don't have the drainage, congestion, and fluid in my ears!
It is possible to support your body's healing ability. I am living proof, as are my patients. If you are interested in finding out about products that will support your body's healing ability, I am available to answer questions and help you heal!