Every organ, tissue and cell has a nerve supply. The brain sends messages out to every part of our bodies and also receives feedback from every part. This allows the body to function properly in every aspect. If there is an organism intruding on the body, messages are sent to the brain and the signals are sent to the white bloods cells to attack. In order to stand, walk, balance, read, digest food, keep the heart beating, lungs breathing, we need the nervous system. There is not a function that goes on in the body without the nervous system being involved.
We as Chiropractors know that by realigning the spine, we remove interferences that may speed up or slow down the messages that get through from the brain to the spinal cord, to all parts of the body and back again. If there is a subluxation ( a misalignment of a vertebra from the one above and/or below) present, it can change the message as it passes from the spinal cord to the body. This can change the organs, tissues and cells that are supplied by that nerve. For instance, if the nerve that supplies the heart was interfered with due to a subluxation, your heart may not get the proper message to function properly. Does that mean that you would have a heart attack from this misalignment? Not necessarily, but if you have heart issues, you definitely want the nerve supply to your heart to be as clear and as close to one hundred percent function as possible. And by all means, if you are having a heart attack, of course, you would go to the emergency room, not your chiropractor's office! But it would also be a great idea to see your chiropractor after you recover from you heart attack. Removing any interference would help in the healing process.
And that's what Chiropractors are in the business of doing; assisting you in healing, enhancing the healing process with many different natural, non invasive techniques, and helping you stay healthy. We empower our patients to live a healthier, happier, fulfilled life.
We as Chiropractors know that by realigning the spine, we remove interferences that may speed up or slow down the messages that get through from the brain to the spinal cord, to all parts of the body and back again. If there is a subluxation ( a misalignment of a vertebra from the one above and/or below) present, it can change the message as it passes from the spinal cord to the body. This can change the organs, tissues and cells that are supplied by that nerve. For instance, if the nerve that supplies the heart was interfered with due to a subluxation, your heart may not get the proper message to function properly. Does that mean that you would have a heart attack from this misalignment? Not necessarily, but if you have heart issues, you definitely want the nerve supply to your heart to be as clear and as close to one hundred percent function as possible. And by all means, if you are having a heart attack, of course, you would go to the emergency room, not your chiropractor's office! But it would also be a great idea to see your chiropractor after you recover from you heart attack. Removing any interference would help in the healing process.
And that's what Chiropractors are in the business of doing; assisting you in healing, enhancing the healing process with many different natural, non invasive techniques, and helping you stay healthy. We empower our patients to live a healthier, happier, fulfilled life.